2013 Chapter Awards

Holo Holo Kōloa Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan (Mālama Kōloa, Hookuleana, LLC, Po‘ipū Beach Resort Association)
The APA Awards jury recognizes that the Holo Holo Köloa plan is the result of a collaborative community effort that calls attention to the significant historic, archaeological, cultural, natural, scenic and recreational resources. The inclusion of specific management strategies and actions to support the project mission and goals also helps to increase project success. The detailed plan includes the qualities and resources important to the byway, and by identifying the capital investments, economic benefits, management measures, and funding and resources necessary, makes this plan comprehensive, ambitious and worthy of recognition.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF

Ocean Resources Management Plan (Office of Planning, SSFM International, Inc.)
of earlier plans, it represents a major step forward and goes beyond previous ORMPs. This includes adding emerging issues such as coastal hazards, climate change, and coastal erosion along with rigorous new performance measures. The ORMP illustrates a collaborative effort between multiple agencies and an engaged citizenry. The APA Awards Jury felt compelling justification for recognizing this project because of this partnership, which not only increases support for the project, but also increases the chances of implementation.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF

Statewide Pedestrian Master Plan (Hawai‘i Department of Transportation, CH2M Hill, Inc.)
and adoption of the plan as a whole.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF

UH West O‘ahu Non-Campus Lands Urban Design Plan (University of Hawai‘i - West O‘ahu, PBR Hawaii & Associates, Inc., City & County of Honolulu Department of Planning & Permitting)
The 2013 APA Hawai‘i Chapter Awards Jury found that the project’s site plan exemplifies many of the desired traits of new mixed use projects. The plan is comprehensive in that it provides recommendations for design and development standards as well as provisions for transportation, land uses, sustainability and development. It effectively surrounds the UHWO campus with compatible uses at reasonable densities, connected by complete streets and greenways, all of which underscore a sense of place and promotes neighborhood sociability.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF

Kamehameha Schools Cultural Resource Management Plan (Kamehameha Schools, Group 70 International, Inc.)
The APA Awards jury selected this project for recognition since it provides a significant shift from resource inventory and risk management to define protective measures in concert with creating adaptive reuse and sustainable use opportunities. It is commended for an analytical approach that recognizes the connectivity and continuity between the physical and ethereal realms of ancestral places. With over 365,000 acres in agricultural or conservation lands, Kamehameha Schools has the opportunity to be a global leader and model for cultural resource stewardship.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF