Computing has shifted from applications run locally on our computers to those run and used on the cloud. This shift in how we use computer applications is also seen in the digital tools planners rely on. Many web applications have been created that are valuable for planners and focus on the spatial problems we are tasked with solving. Web apps APA Hawaii Chapter members may find useful include:

  • Envision Tomorrow. This web app allows users to analyze how their community's current growth pattern and future decisions impacting growth influence a range of measures from public health, fiscal resiliency, and environmental sustainability.
  • Raw Graphs. This web app functions as a data visualization framework intended to make the visual representation of complex data easy for all users.
  • Equity Atlas. This web app consists of a number of maps that illustrate the relationships between different determinants of health and well-being and the geography of a region.
  • StreetPlan. This web app serves as an open-source web based design platform that allows users to design complete streets.
  • New Mobility Atlas (NUMO). This web app uses open data to map which shared transportation options — currently dockless scooters, bicycles, and mopeds — are available in cities.