COVID 19 Resources for Planners: APA National

APA National has compiled resources to support planners as they work to address the impacts of COVID-19 on their communities. These resources are available on the APA National website. A number of these resources may be of interest to APA Hawaii Chapter members and are listed below.

What Planners and Public Sector Agencies Need to Know About Cybersecurity

Nupur Gunjan (Public Sector Analyst, Cisco Systems) talks with the APA about what planners need to know about cyber security and online public engagement.

7 Emerging Tips for Equitable Digital Engagement

The pandemic has presented new challenges for community engagement. The widespread shift to engagement via digital platforms has allowed engagement efforts to continue despite stay at home orders. However, equity issues arise given the limited capacity of some community members to participate in virtual engagement. This article provides perspective on ways planners and local leaders are maintaining inclusivity in remote engagement efforts.

Career Advice for Recent Grads: Navigating the Pandemic

COVID-19 poses new challenges for recent graduates in finding employment. This article provides recommendations applying generally to job searching and highlights new factors and opportunities stemming from the pandemic situation.

Moving Planning Commission Meetings Online During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Big-City Perspective

Emily Mack (Director, Dept. of Metropolitan Development, City of Indianapolis) chats with the APA about how her team developed a standard operating procedure for the online meetings held by her department and other governmental functions.

Information Clearinghouses for COVID-19

This article provides a centralized list of pandemic related information from government entities and allied professional organizations.