APA Policy Guides
New APA Policy Guides: Equity, Housing and Surface Transportation
Our APA-HI Public Issues and Governmental Affairs Committee has been participating in reviewing the draft and now final National APA Equity, Housing and Surface Transportation Policy Guides. After receiving final input and approval from the APA Delegate Assembly on April 14, 2019 at the National Conference in San Francisco, the APA Board of Directors on May 14, 2019 ratified these three new Policy Guides.

Planning for Equity Policy Guide
APA’s Equity Policy Guide defines equity as “just and fair inclusion into a society in which all can participate, prosper, and reach their full potential. Unlocking the promise of the nation by unleashing the promise in us all.” The inclusive, holistic nature of this definition provides the foundation for considering and applying equity in all facets of planning, all levels of planning, all means of planning, and in all planning policies. This Policy Guide suggests that the most effective approach to achieve this is by adopting an “equity in all policies” approach, which means that an “equity lens” be used to view, frame, and consider the policies and practices of planning, and offers examples of how this can be done.
Click to Download Equity Policy Guide PDF

Housing Policy Guide
APA’s Housing Policy Guide builds upon the goals of the 2006 Housing Policy Guide and recognizes that three challenges — accessibility, affordability, and availability — plague communities nationwide. It specifies five policy positions that include: modernizing planning laws to ensure that zoning promotes local planning efforts and provides housing resources to solve our most pressing affordability challenges; preserving existing housing to maintain the quality and overall supply of affordable housing; encouraging environmental sustainability and resiliency as critical elements of housing availability and affordability; ensuring that public and private finance keeps pace and innovates to support increased housing availability and affordability; and, supporting funding and program flexibility to provide services, shelters, and permanent supportive housing for people experiencing homelessness, veterans, immigrants, and the formerly incarcerated.Click to Download Housing Policy Guide PDF

Surface Transportation Policy Guide
APA’s Surface Transportation Policy Guide identifies policy solutions that address the evolving nature of transportation policy and how communities can plan for regional transportation options that work for everyone. This Policy Guide builds on the previous Surface Transportation Policy Guide adopted by APA in 2010, prior to the last two federal transportation laws (MAP-21 and the FAST Act) and the emergence of new technologies that are proving disruptive to traditional transportation system planning, design, and funding. It contains discussions and position statements on the following topics: data for equitable and effective decision making; the future of public transportation; safety and vision zero; rural, suburban, and exurban transportation; project development and funding decisions; energy and transportation; and, transportation revenue amid a changing landscape.