2021 Chapter Awards
American Planning Association, Hawaiʻi Chapter is pleased to announce its
winners for the 2021 Chapter Awards Program. The annual awards are given to
recognize individuals, communities, private organizations, public agencies, and
professional planning and design firms whose work exemplifies the planning
profession’s highest goals and ideals. Award nominations were reviewed and winners selected by a
jury of professional planners from the APA Hawai‘i Chapter.
APA Hawai`i presented the following awards at the Hawaiʻi Congress of Planning Officials Conference on October 7, 2021.

West Kaua‘i Community Plan
County of Kauai, PBR HAWAII & Associates, Inc., and Opticos Design
The West Kaua‘i Community Plan (WKCP) is a long-range land use policy plan with a 20-year time horizon and covers the communities of Kekaha, Waimea, Kaumakani, Pākalā Village, Hanapēpē, and ‘Ele‘ele. The WKCP is comprehensive in its breadth and scope, including policies on town design, multimodal land transportation, heritage resources, resiliency, shared spaces, and economic development. Because West Kaua’i communities are so varied and unique, the WKCP also includes detailed town plans and specific land use policies and actions for significant areas and communities throughout the district.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF

Climate Adaptation Design Principles for Urban Honolulu
City and County of Honolulu Department of Planning & Permitting, Office of Climate Change, Sustainability & Resiliency, SSFM International, and Arup
The objective of this project was to develop preliminary climate adaptation design guidance for development projects in Honolulu transit-oriented development (TOD) and other urban areas that are vulnerable to sea level rise (SLR). It is intended to provide developers with information and best practices for adapting urban building sites and structures to climate change-related hazards including sea level rise, flooding, heat, and groundwater inundation. This is an initial step toward developing comprehensive climate resilience design guidelines for the City and County of Honolulu (“City”), as called for in Action 14 of the O‘ahu Resilience Strategy.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF

The Hawai‘i Ocean Resources Management Plan 2020
State of Hawaii, Office of Planning and Sustainable Development, Coastal Zone Management Program and PBR HAWAII & Associates, Inc.
The Hawai‘i Ocean Resources Management Plan (ORMP) 2020 Update fulfills the evaluation criteria of APA Hawai‘i Annual Chapter environmental planning Awards Program as innovative, comprehensive, transferable, with high quality, and promise to be implemented. With extensive literature review, interviews with traditional land stewardship practitioners, statewide agencies, and public meetings, the plan engaged the public and stakeholders, statewide, to create an innovative environmental management plan that incorporates Traditional Ecological Knowledge from the outset of the planning process.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF

Mother Waldron Playground Cultural Landscape Report
Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation/JACOBS and HHF Planners
The Mother Waldron Playground Cultural Landscape Report (CLR) is a comprehensive inventory and assessment of the playground's landscape features. As the urban setting of the park continues to change, the CLR serves as a guide for making sound decisions about the management, preservation and use of this Depression-era park. The plan identifies general and site-specific measures for protecting, enhancing, and interpreting the landscape features that portray the historic character of the park. Implementation of these measures serves to safeguard our historic landscapes for the benefit of future generations.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF

County of Hawai‘i Vision Zero Action Plan
County of Hawai‘i Planning Department, People for Active Transportation Hawai‘i (PATH), SSFM International, Inc. & Peter Koonce
The County of Hawaii's Vision Zero Action Plan identifies a path for the County to achieve its goas of eliminating traffic related fatalities and serious injuries in accordance with Vision Zero, a fundamentally new approach to traffic safety that is being adopted in states and municipalities worldwide.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF

Pu‘uhonua O Wai‘anae Farm Village
Pu‘uohonua O Wai‘anae & Dynamic Community Solutions and Group 70 International, Inc.
The Pu‘uhonua o Wai‘anae (POW) Farm Village is a homegrown solution proposed by the residents of POW and Dynamic Community Solutions (DCS), the non-profit corporation created by and for the people of POW. The village is home to roughly 250 people of all ages, more than two-thirds of whom are Native Hawaiian. The purpose of this project is to provide permanent housing and a sustainable, secure source of food for the POW village residents at their new permanent site in Wai‘anae. With help from local architects, engineers, technical specialists, and planners, POW residents completed a site plan that is an effective mix of modern and traditional Hawaiian communal living centered on concepts of hānai a ‘ai - the ability to raise and provide food sufficiency through active agricultural cultivation.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF

State Transit-Oriented Development Planning and Implementation for the Island of O‘ahu
State Office of Planning and Sustainable Development, PBR HAWAII and Associates, Inc., DTA, R.M. Towill Corporation, Ronald N.S. Ho and Associates, Inc., CallisonRTKL, Fehr & Peers, Arup
The State TOD Planning and Implementation project for Oahu supplements and expands on the 2018 State TOD Strategic Plan to provide more detailed design, analysis, infrastructure planning, and implementation strategies for three priority areas: East Kapolei, Hālawa Stadium, and Iwilei-Kapālama.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF

South Shore Promenade
State of Hawai‘i Office of Planning and the University of Hawaii Community Design Center (Principal Investigator: Judith Stilgenbauer)
"The South Shore Promenade and Coastal Open Space Network Study: Resilience and Connectivity by Design" report is the result of a two-year, state-funded research, analysis, and proof-of-concept design project which aims to foster dialogue about future planning along the south shore of the primary urban center of Honolulu. By investigating past, present, and planned shoreline conditions in urban Honolulu, the study advocates for the anticipation of climate-crisis challenges through innovative planning and urban ecological design that embraces dynamic conditions, such as coastal flooding, rather than preventing them - all while taking inspiration from traditional native Hawaiian biocultural land-water practices.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF

S. Kalaheo Avenue and Kailua Road Intersection Improvements
City and County of Honolulu Department of Transportation Services and SSFM International, Inc.
The intersection of Kalaheo Avenue and Kailua Road serves as the gateway to Kailua Beach Park and provides the sole vehicular access to the Lanikai neighborhood. The Kalaheo Avenue and Kailua Road Intersection Improvements project was initiated by the City with the goal to address operational and safety concerns at the intersection.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF

Indigenizing Urban Spaces
Keli‘i Kapali, DArch
Urban Hoa‘aina is a new urban typology that is in service to Indigenous design and perspectives for a more inclusive city. Urban Hoa‘aina coordinates a suite of planning and design mechanisms for Indigenizing urban spaces including reforming existing structures that are no longer useful, designating an Indigenous urban land use zone, innovating for cultural infrastructure without causing environmental harm, and fostering connections to people and place for continued community engagement and social cohesion.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF

John L. Reppun
Mr. John L. Reppun is being recognized for the Grassroots Initiative Special Recognition award for his lifetime support of planning throughout the Northern Ko‘olaupoko community. He has been an active community advocate in Northern Ko‘olaupoko for over three decades, involved in grassroots efforts over many years and projects. Mr. Reppun has also steadfastly supported community voice in planning decisions for a primarily agricultural underserved community. He has embraced community planning efforts as a member of the Kahalu‘u Neighborhood Board #29; the Executive Director of KEY Project; a farmer within the Waiahole community; and a volunteer serving on boards, taskforces and working groups.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF