2020 Chapter Awards
American Planning Association, Hawaiʻi Chapter is pleased to announce its
winners for the 2020 Chapter Awards Program. The annual awards are given to
recognize individuals, communities, private organizations, public agencies, and
professional planning and design firms whose work exemplifies the planning
profession’s highest goals and ideals. Award nominations were reviewed and winners selected by a
jury of professional planners from the APA Hawai‘i Chapter.
APA Hawai`i presented the following awards at the Hawaiʻi Congress of Planning Officials Conference on October 21, 2020.

Kathy K. Sokugawa
Kathy Sokugawa has spent her entire career as a planner with the City and County of Honolulu. Her many accomplishments, together with her professionalism, integrity, and focus on improving community livability that is present in everything she does, exemplifies the kind of career that all planners would do well to emulate.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF

City and County of Honolulu Office of Climate Change, Sustainability and Resilience
The APA Hawai‘i jury acknowledged that OCCSR within a few years from its establishment has managed to mobilize the various State and City departments and agencies, and engaged the community to produce, among many other key guiding documents, the O‘ahu Resilience Strategy. The OCCSR acts as the central office that the community and the different State and City departments can consult when implementing and constructing various projects. In addition, through its continued public engagement, education, and policy development it has elevated the public’s knowledge and awareness regarding climate change and its effect in our community. The OCSSR has also helped in pushing for policies that advance the sustainability and resiliency goals. In short, the OCCSR has proven to be a public agency that has completed exceptional work and has increased awareness of the planning principles and guidelines regarding sustainability and climate change.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF

Haena State Park Master Plan
State Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of State Parks, Hāʻena State Park Community Advisory Committee, PBR Hawaii & Associates, Inc.
The Hāʻena State Park Master Plan (“Project”) has exemplified an outstanding planning process and is an exceptionally well-done plan in all respects. It is comprehensive in its provision of uniformly detailed and high-quality technical information, analyses, and recommended actions, not just with respect to traditional park uses but also the restoration of natural and cultural resources and practices, and the mitigation of natural hazards.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF

Oahu Bike Plan Update
City and County of Honolulu Department of Transportation Services, HHF Planners, Toole Design Group, and Miyamoto Consulting Engineers, LLC
O‘ahu Bike Plan 2019 Update (“OBP-2019”) presents a host of real options for expanding quantity and quality of, and access to, low-stress bike networks for all ages and demographics on O’ahu. As previous versions of the OBP were completed before the widespread adoption of low-stress bike facilities (i.e., protected bike lanes, buffered bike lanes, and bicycle boulevards), the primary objective for the OBP-2019 was to identify and prioritize a critical network of low-stress bikeways to provide safe, comfortable, and fun bicycling options for O‘ahu’s residents– and importantly, increase the attractiveness and convenience of healthier and more sustainable travel modes.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF

Haiku Stairs Study
City and County of Honolulu, Board of Water Supply and Group 70 International, Inc. DBA G70
This EIS provides a detailed and highly informative description of the Haʻikū Stairs and their historical context. The alternatives analysis is excellent overall, and exceptional with respect to the level of detailed information and analysis of alternatives. The reports show that all options for the Ha‘iku Stairs (“Project”) were analyzed objectively and with transparency and that well established planning efforts, such as extensive public meetings and outreach, were conducted.
For full award text: Download Award Board PDF