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APA Hawai‘i Job Advertising Employers - Post a job now!
When you select candidates from APA Hawai‘i's membership, you know you are getting knowledgeable staff committed to continually enhancing their expertise!
Posting is free for APA members. You will be prompted for your membership information (Chapter ID/email and password). After you have signed in and a posted a job, employers can edit postings on the Employer Job Dashboard.
If you are a member and you would also like to have your posting sent to our membership via email blast, please contact APA-HI Secretary, Matthew Fernandez (

Discover What it Means to Be a Planner and What it Takes to Become a Professional Planner
Planning is a highly collaborative field, and planners spend much of their time working with others.
A planner's day may start with a staff meeting to discuss the management of a planning project. Other meetings might include a team meeting with engineers, architects, health professionals, and landscape architects to review the specifics of a plan. Yet other meetings might take place with developers as part of a pre-application process.
The planner's role is to provide the big picture and to relate the project to various goals and guidelines, such as ordinances or design review, in order to achieve a final project that meets the needs of the community. This might include appropriate design, environmental considerations, support for the local economy, or equitable access for all members of the community.