AICP Certification

Aim High AICP Certification
The American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) is the APA's professional institute providing recognized leadership nationwide in the certification of professional planners, ethics, professional development, planning education, and the standards of planning practice. Here are quick links to more info:
For more information regarding AICP, you can also contact the Chapter Professional Development Officer, Peter Flachsbart, AICP (

Elevate your skills and knowledge!
Employers recognize — and reward — the AICP credential. On average, AICP-certified planners earn more annually than noncertified planners.
The AICP credential is an assurance of quality — a professional pre-screen — for employers who want to attract the most highly qualified candidates for their open positions. The majority of planning employers say that AICP certification is a factor when hiring planners.
Certified planners have verified their academic and professional achievements and passed a rigorous, comprehensive examination of their abilities. They pledge to uphold high standards of practice, and to keep their skills sharp and up to date by continuously pursuing advanced professional education through the Certification Maintenance program.
AICP Certification Diversity Scholarship
Each exam cycle, APA offers scholarships to APA members who are interested in taking the AICP exam or who are interested in submitting their experience assessment. Please visit the AICP Certification Diversity Scholarship webpage for more information.
AICP Exam Prep
APA offers a wealth of exam prep resources. Review the content outline, watch some training videos, explore other chapters’ exam prep materials, and much more. And don’t forget to contact our chapter’s Professional Development Officer, Peter Flachsbart, AICP ( for additional information.
Certification Maintenance for AICP Members

The AICP Certification Maintenance program helps planners gain the knowledge and skills necessary to remain current in the practice of planning and continue to demonstrate professional credibility through continuing education. APA Hawai‘i Chapter provides members opportunities to earn AICP credits through monthly events and an annual conference.
For questions regarding Certification Maintenance, click the link below or contact one of the following APA Hawai‘i Chapter Co-Chairs:
Kristen Nishimura, AICP (
Ruby Edwards, AICP (